Large carnivores are globally threatened due to habitat fragmentation and loss, prey depletion, human exploitation, and illegal hunting and trapping

Large Carnivore Fund works locally with state wildlife agencies, policy makers, and all stakeholders to protect large carnivore species, their habitat and dispersal corridors for connectivity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,  the Northern Rockies and the West, and at the federal level. 

Who Are We

We are stakeholders in the management and preservation of our native large carnivore species

Though historically adversarial, we've come together as a unified group representing the millions who enjoy and appreciate the benefits of predators on the landscape.

Large Carnivore Fund has the strong scientific background, embracing the best scientific evidence, highest standards of wildlife ethics, and ethical conduct.

Our interests radiate from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem outward through the Northern Rockies and beyond.

Biologists & enStatisticians specializing in predator models
Land Owners
Living in large carnivore country
Rocky mountain Elk
Fair chase or no predator hunting
The largest stakeholder group which does not hunt/trap/snare wildlife or kill wildlife related to conflict
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In wildlife & habitat protections
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Ranching with conflict reduction strategies
What we do

Our core objectives

Collared female Yellowstone wolf 1229F was killed just over the park boundary in Montana, WMU 313 in 2023.

Changing minds

In the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem we still have “one of the largest nearly intact temperate-zone ecosystems on Earth”. This is not just a state or national treasure, but a global one.

We're all incredibly lucky in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to still have “one of the largest nearly intact temperate-zone ecosystems on Earth”. This is not a state or national treasure, but a global one to protect, study and marvel at.

Ranching Partnerships

Building cooperative relationships with ranchers to support transitions to coexistence ranching, based on success by their local peers. In the cross section of conservation and agriculture, the success of one is not contingent on the failure of the other. We have as much potential to work together under a new paradigm as in opposition under the old.

Rocky mountain Elk

Changing industries

Follow the money in hunting, outfitting, livestock and agriculture industries. We expose what drives laws and regulations which allow the killing of more large carnivores. Killing more predators is not a solution.

Changing laws affecting large carnivores and their ecosystem

Changing laws

Because the courts are the only place left to be heard. Western state legislatures continue to pass numerous laws allowing increasingly more of of our native large carnivores to be killed. State bills to delist Grizzlies are not science based and decades of work to restore them would be rapidly undone.

Having the native predator guild on the landscape strengthens ungulate herds

We recognize there will be hunting, but this isn't hunting, it's persecution under the facade of wildlife management.

Sustainable solutions will only work with sound scientific practices, adequate timing for ecological statisticians and models to be reported, rules to be made with public involvement based on that data, and all stakeholders heard equally.

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